Fate Into Fairies

While the word “fairy” may make you think of Tinkerbell. There is so much more to these creatures. Technically, fairies are a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally considered anthropomorphic. They are spirits, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities.

 Celts like me strongly believe in fairies and approach them with respect. To begin, you need to understand the different fairy types. Nymphs come from Greek mythology and are sometimes placed in the fairy category because they are linked to natural settings. In my forthcoming book, “When the Birds Stopped Singing,” one of the lead characters is a wood nymph named Serena with metaphysical gifts.

Pixies and garden fairies are most often seen in popular culture. Children are fascinated with everything fairy, from cartoon characters to novels and figurines of all shapes and sizes. What is most interesting about fairies is the land of Fey, where they live. Recently, I read a charming book, “The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill,” which delivers a fulfilling story and provides a much-needed warning about dealing with fairies. For example, I will only allow them outside the house as they are mischievous and can bring good or bad fortune, which I would rather keep outside (particularly as I’m hoping to find a pot of gold to redo the backyard.)  Building a fairy glen can be a luscious, fun area that will enhance your garden, as fairies will help your plants to grow. Brownies come from the British Isles and are lone fairies that live in closets and help around the house.

 When working with fairies, be aware of the darker elements in this category, including brownies and hobgoblins, which can be nuisances, and light and dark elves, which some cultures consider trolls. In Danish folklore, male elves will take the form of elderly men, and if you approach too near them, they will open their lips and make you ill with their breath. Gnomes come from the Icelandic folklore, and any Tolkien fan will feel comfortable with the idea of dwarfs.

Exploring the world of fairies is worth your time, as they can positively influence your life.


When the Birds Stopped Singing


Open Your Mind in the New Year